Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Take Two

Even though I have an incentive to start blogging, I’m still feeling a little apprehensive about the whole thing. It’s not so much that I’m afraid someone is going to find my blog, it’s that I’m just not used to putting my thoughts down on paper (or screen). When I have something important or funny to say, my tendency is to call a friend or go visit a co-worker, not write it down. What’s more, I’ve never been one for diaries or even a lot of introspection. So this means that blogging is all quite foreign.

Last night, I was reading the book Naked Conversations, by Robert Scoble, the blogging guru. In the book, he suggests that first timers look at some of the well established blogs like Technocrati (http://technorati.com/). I must say, that I’m very impressed. There are tons of different subjects and opinions. In a matter of 3 minutes, I learned that John McCain helped create the BlackBerry (not true, it turns out, but you can read it at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/MCCAIN_BLACKBERRY?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT) and that city officials in an Israeli town are using DNA to catch rude dog owners that don’t pick up after the dog (true! Check it out at http://technorati.com/articles/399AeLpposxfc2GyXVC9pczlIzDv3%2BVkWjWJjc2MP2k%3D)

All in all, my first blog reading experience was very informative and entertaining, and my second blog writing experience turned out ok too!

PS I don't know how to hyperlink links to other blogs...hopefully I can figure that out by next time.

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